Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fan letters, pixars, and dresses, oh my! :)

Alright peoplz, so I've finished the fan letter to Zachary Quinto, and have sent it off. I don't know when I'll get it back, cuz when I searched addresses for fan letters, people were saying that you shouldn't expect anything for a month at least. Oh well. I'll wait for you Zachy. :)

 Anyway I won't really be doing this list in order because, although I've made reservations for the Hot-air balloon ride, it won't happen until the middle of August.

However, I will be watching a pixar marathon next, so here are all of pixar's movies:

1.) Toy Story
2.) A Bug's Life
3.) Toy Story 2
4.) Monsters Inc.
5.) Finding Nemo
6.) The Incredibles
7.) Cars
8.) Ratatouille
9.) Wall-E
10.) Up
11.) Toy Story 3
12.) Cars 2

I was thinking about seeing all of the pixar shorts instead since I've seen all of the movies, but you have to get the individual special feature dvds for the shorts, and I didn't want to have to buy all of that.

I just got a gorgeous dress to go to my friend's sweet 16 party. Its a nude pink color that's made of a silky fabric, and pumps to match. The birthday girl is having it at a reserved restaurant on the pier at the beach. Here it is:
I think it looks pretty damn beautiful, so I got it at this boutique and then went with my friends to a coffee shop and got a mocha and came home without drinking it yet. After I had come out of my room again from trying it, I found my one of my brothers drinking the last of my precious mocha. He said he had to drink it because he had accidentally licked it. ~.~ tell me, who ACCIDENTALLY licks the lid of a coffee. Dick. So I made him get me a whole pack of those glass mochas that you can get at the grocery store, and purposely licked the lid of all of them so he couldn't accidentally do anything.

Oh and by the way, if anyone's read 'Things fall apart', or 'Cry the Beloved Country', could you please message me or something, cuz those are my summer reading books, and I think they're boring as hell. plz plz plz message me... I have cookies! ;) ah well. Toodles! <3 from Emery.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Midnight Premiere and Fan Letter

So, I went with my friend, Rayne to the midnight premiere of Harry Potter at our AMC theatre, and I thought it was amazing. They really didn't do a lot in the beginning, but they showed pretty much every scene in the final battle that was written in the book. The only thing I was disappointed in was the epilogue. All the cast did was use the same characters, but fat and with facial hair. However, the whole thing, I thought, was a satisfying end to the Harry Potter saga. It was extremely humorous, yet very sentimental as well. I remember crying in the beginning, when Harry was in front of Dobby's grave, and near the end, when Snape died.

They have an amazing soundtrack throughout the movie. The day after, I went on iTunes and bought the song called "lily's theme", which was what played during the serious and sad scenes. I've played it about 10 times on my ipod and I still cry and remember scenes from the movie when I hear it. It's a truly beautiful song, yet very melancholy.

I had been playing tennis with Rayne the morning before the premiere, and I came up with a bet that whoever lost the match would have to do something embarrassing at the movie. I lost by one game, and when Snape came on screen for the first time in the movie, I had to scream "Snape! Have my babies!". It wasn't that bad, considering Snape is my favorite character. Besides, everyone just laughed anyway.

So, I've started on the 10 things I want to do during the summer, by starting to write a fan letter to my favorite actor, Zachary Quinto. I've been looking up his address on various websites to make sure it's the right one, (WOW that sounds stalkerish of me), and am sending a picture of him to autograph on. Rayne dared me to photo shop myself in next to him, with my arms wrapped around his waist, but I thought that seemed too obsessive. (*blush*) ;)

OMG, I didn't know people were allowed to be this hot! ~.~

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

We all love Harry Potter

So, I just got a whole bunch of tickets last night for me and my friends to go to the midnight premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. We're going to be like the only people who aren't decked out in Hogwarts robes and round wired glasses. Even though I absolutely love the series, the most I would do would be a t-shirt that says, "it all ends". Woah, now that I think about it, that would actually be really cool.

 Me and my best friend, Rayne, have decided that we are both going to Oxford University in England. I have no idea what I want my career to be. In all of the projects at school, I've always put something along the lines of music, writing, or psychology. My aunt was asked to teach at Oxford after she did some kind of speech. Now, she teaches some psychological philosophy class in Chicago. I always looked up to her,and I think her job is really interesting.

However, my other aunt, (the first aunt's sister) is an author, (Before I fall and Delirium), and is currently living in New York, New York. My third aunt, (from a different side of the family), is a piano teacher. Those are the three options I've been testing for the past few years, and I still think they're all equally interesting! Help!!! Oh well. I've been going to tennis practice every day of the week for the whole summer so far, and have just gotten a week off, so I can start on my list of things to do.

I'm also planning on signing up for community service at the memorial hospital near me. I've obviously been watching too much House MD episodes lately. I don't mind though, because Rayne said she'd do it with me. They might not let me though, cuz when I went to the CPR class that they were holding at our community college, I blew up the mannequin because the skin flap covering the air way into the lungs wasn't on right. I hope they don't remember me!  ;D

LOL. Actually, this is true. I did always trust him. But, maybe that was cuz I have a huge crush on the man. Ooo I just thought of this. You know those dos equis commercials? With the most interesting man in the world? Well, I just pictured the narrator introducing Severus Snape and telling how he loved Lily, and saved harry, and killed dumbledore to save the world, and then says "Severus Snape is the most interesting man in the world." And they show Snape holding holding a firewhiskey in the three broomsticks with hot witches fawning over him and he goes, "I don't always drink beer, but when I do, I drink Firewhiskey." ........ BAHAHAHA!! I crack myself up! :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

10 things to do during the summer

Okay, so since my parents decided that we're not going anywhere (our distant family is coming to stay at our house), and my friend decided to take back her offer of going to Hawaii (what kind of person does THAT? Oh yeah, my "friend"), I've made a list of things to do during the summer. Some of them are just on there because I have to do it for school, and others are there to spice things up a bit. Because, I swear, I could pass as the most boring person in the world during the summer. So, here goes:

10 Things To Do During The Summer

1.) Write a fan-letter to my favorite actor. (I know where you live Zachary Quinto <3)
2.) Learn how to Bollywood Dance.
3.) Watch the sun rise and set.
4.) Spend a whole day reading a novel. (I NEED summer reading to get done)
5.) Go up in a hot-air balloon.
6.) Draw a self-portrait.
7.) Have an Iron Chef competition with a secret ingredient.
8.) Watch a pixar marathon  
9.) Make and invent a new type of pizza.
10.) Make a side-walk mural out of chalk in front of my house.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Introducing Emery Anderson

So I'm Emery, and this is the first blog that I've ever done, so I'm still getting the gist of everything. I'm really random, so if you're expecting posts with consistent subjects, then you should probably look somewhere else. I started this blog because I want to project my opinions and feelings about my life that I didn't during the event. And, I want to connect with people who might have felt the same way. OK, the way I just explained it doesn't sound like what I'm going to do with this, so please just bear with me until I get the hang of this. : /